
Commercial Foam Jacking

Working with commercial clients and commercial buildings is a lot like working with residential clients and their homes. The process is the same, except the space and the scope of the sunken concrete can be larger. Foam Jacking a Commercial…

Use Concrete Leveling Foam

You noticed it. Don’t pretend you didn’t. You notice it every time you leave the house but ignore it. You’re thinking it won’t get any worse. You’re hoping it won’t get any worse. You begin to wonder, is it worse now than it was…

Spring Cleaning Checklist

In many parts of the country (sorry, California), the air is beginning to warm; the flowers are starting the blooming cycle, and the grass is beginning to grow. You might have had your first ride on your lawn mower in a few short weeks. With…

3 reasons to use Concrete Raising Systems

Small, Solid Concrete Raising Business In past years, when we had heard that another concrete-raising business in our area was no longer in business, it wasn't good news. Most people in our position might view this as a good thing. Competition…

Snow Plowing can Ruin your Driveway

The snow is coming. The forecast of snow may have eluded us one weekend only to blast us sometime soon. When snow does blanket the Kansas City area, we tend to forget what is underneath. Hibernation sets in, the squirrels settle in, flowers…

Concrete Lifting Foam Experts

When it comes to raising concrete slabs with foam, you won’t find any company with more experience and a professional work ethic than Concrete Raising Systems. During winter, the ground is frozen until late February or early March. This means…

Christmas in Kansas City

The holidays are a time to be with family, remember the events and learning of the past year as you get ready for a new one, shop till you drop, and spend some quality time taking in the wonders that Kansas City has to offer. The moments between…

Is it too Late to Lift my Concrete?

There is a chill in the air. A feeling that things are starting to slow down in anticipation of the winter that is to come. Leaves are falling, squirrels are busy preparing for winter, and it stays darker longer in the morning. Hibernating animals…